(Following on from an earlier post)
And the winner was:
muffin top
noun Colloquial the fold of fat around the midriff which, on an overweight woman, spills out over the top of tight-fitting pants or skirts.
According to the results page, "The Committee thought that the vivid imagery of this word with its sense of playfulness and the fact that it is an Australianism made it the clear winner."
But that's not all the Committee (or at least the person writing up the competition results) had to say. Said Committee gave honourable mention to three terms, the last of which was "plausible deniability", and the definition of that term was followed by something which I would call "a political statement" (I've added italics so you just can't miss it):
plausible deniability
noun a carefully crafted situation in which a member of government can deny any association with any illegal or unpopular activities carried out by servants of the government in the event that these activities become public.
This term was first used by the CIA in relation to their activities in the Kennedy Administration. It does seem to have become a key feature of the American, British and Australian governments over the last decade.
:) Go the Macquarie!