06 January 2007

We shy persons

If you're shy, you'll appreciate the beauty of the "we" in that title: We shy persons.


But if you're some kind of freak and you're not shy and have no idea what I'm talking about, the joy is in being included, feeling part of a group. We shy persons are perpetual outsiders. Mostly that's our own fault, or the result of our own choices, or or or... etc.

Yeah, anyway. I posted a couple of long quotes from Garrison Keillor over in my archives. If you've got about 15 hours to spare, you might like to peruse. He's telling us how to write letters, and why we might want to:

To be known by another person - to meet and talk freely on the page - to be close despite distance. To escape from anonymity and be our own sweet selves and express the music of our souls.

Same thing that moves a giant rock star to sing his heart out in front of 123,000 people moves us to take a ballpoint in hand and write a few lines to our dear Aunt Eleanor. We want to be known. We want her to know that we have fallen in love, that we quit our job, that we're moving to New York, and we want to say a few things that might not get said in casual conversation: Thank you for what you've meant to me, I'm very happy right now.
It sounds just like personal blogging too, doesn't it? Oh! Why, yes! And that's why I posted it.

Enjoy, if you can.